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Oral Systemic Health Project.

Reframing how oral health is 
understood by the public.



Our Story

Oral health impacts an individual's life in many different ways, and it even has an impact at the community level. Communities that lack educational resources and access to care will suffer from poor oral health outcomes, which will directly impact overall body health and cause financial, emotional, and social stress that could have been prevented. With our custom educational resources and community outreach, we will help the underserved communities better understand oral health. 

Who We Are

Oral​ Systemic Health Project is an organization at the University of Southern California that strives to reframe how oral health is understood by the public. We share educational resources and provide free health screenings in underserved communities and conduct public health research.  

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide education and screenings to help create a community that is well informed about oral health and its relevance to overall well-being, and investigate how external factors relate to oral health behaviors and how these behaviors relate to overall


About Us



Racial and class disparities in oral health outcomes are prevalent in Los Angeles and in the country at alarming magnitudes. We aim to spread awareness of health and health care issues and raise money to provide resources to our communities.


We are told to treat oral health just for the sake of good oral health. However, we want to reframe oral health in the context of a larger picture that includes community-level factors, individual psychosocial factors, and overall well-being. We look to develop a comprehensive set of resources to help people of all ages learn about the impact of oral health on overall well-being in a way that has a meaningful impact on health behavior.


How do external factors influence oral health? How does oral health influence overall well-being? How can we use this knowledge to our benefit? We plan to investigate a wide variety of health-related issues and find significant relationships between psychosocial factors and health behaviors/outcomes.

What We Offer
Meet the Team

Meet the Team

E-Board 2022-2023

Oscar Peng



Taemin Jang



Korrie Han

Outreach Director

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Leah Huynh

Activities Director

Saiema Marium

Education Director

Devansh Sapovadia


Active General Members

Angelyn Nguyen, Ava Choi, Daniel Cheng, Kattie Nguyen, Victoria Chan, Jana Zatar, Charlotte Gelhaus, Alice Li, Andy Eun

Former Members
Contact Us



Our Address

USC University Park Campus

Los Angeles, CA 90001

Our Email

Former Members

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